My2c Worth

Simply a highly opinionated Aussie's outlet. Politics, environment, cars, motorcycles, stuff and things.

"Easily the second-greatest political thinker in his household." - anonymous

"...look, this is the sort of thing that all of us feel squeamish about..." - Tony Abbott, General Bastard nee Federal Health Minister

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Israel vows to stem flow of funds to Hamas

I think even Hamas are suprised to have gotten such a large percentage of the vote in the recent polls. The general consensus is that Fatah lost votes due more to being ineffective and corrupt than further radicalisation of Palestinians.

The idea that Hamas, a terrorist organisation with a political wing (like Ireland's Sien Fein) being financially supported by the very body it is chartered to wipe out is quite twisted.
However, the quandry is deeper than that. Hamas can gain financial support from other islamic groups & states that share the deep-rooted hatred of Israel. Right now, there are too many elements in the middle east (such as Iran or even bin Laden) who would quite happily fund Hamas. This would only serve to further distance Hamas from negotiaing meaningful peace with Israel.
By holding the purse-string, Israel may be able to apply more pressure to de-radicalise Hamas. Of course, the first step is to negotiate the removal of wiping Israel off the map from their charter. By accepting Hamas, Israel may lead to the development of Hamas as a legitimate, moderate political party that is well known for its efficient administration.

Which is the lesser of the evils? supporting Hamas and maintaining a dialogue, or marginalising Hamas forcing themto go source more radical financial support?

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"
